Friday, September 5, 2008

The BlackBerry Bold would have the same problems that 3G iPhone

The BlackBerry Bold came out in Chile and Germany, and fate in Canada tomorrow. And Citigroup analyst Jim Suva already wondered if the Bold is not affected by the same connection problem that the 3G iPhone 3G. Apparently the device has the same tendency to switch you to an authoritarian EDGE even when the 3G signal is perfectly correct.

Jim Suva think if Bold is still not released the USA because AT & T holds the phone as the cause of the problem-software-botched is not resolved. After all, if a phone knows this kind of problem, one can assume that this is a hardware problem. But in two high-end phones different? People are starting to talk and to ask questions.

It could also pose a bigger problem than RIM AT & T, insofar as the BlackBerry relies on a reputation for reliability, and problems occurred on the iPhone (and still unresolved more than a month after its launch) could well incite mistrust.

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